Perfection – is it stifling your success?
Motivation and drive cause results – or the lack thereof. Not meeting your standards and expectations of perfection can be upsetting to the point of nonfunctioning.
Being unable to accept personal limitations often leads to depression. Sadness can permeate our daily lives. Worrying can be a constant companion.
Move Beyond your Past
Drama or even tragedy may have caused an uproar in your life. Just when you think you have things under control, something triggers a reaction – sometimes it is just a withdrawal from social events. Sometimes it means driving around a route to avoid where ‘it’ happened.
Your past, how you were brought up, your choices, who you are and who you know, could leave you lonely, scared and confused. It is similar to being lost in a forest with no way out. Nervous. Heart is racing. Tired of trying.
Reaching out is brave.
It takes courage to seek out direction when you are expected to carry on alone.
At the same time, it’s a feeling of incredible thrill and fear. You’re hoping for a better life and future with all those vulnerable feelings.
Find Empowerment, Truth and Freedom
Coping methods and processing your pain in life will help you gain proven effective ways from which to choose. As you examine your thoughts, feelings and emotions, you will build trust in yourself again.
This was expressed by a great sage Pantanjali:
When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds, your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a great wonderful world…
Pantanjali 250 B.C.E.
Let counseling open new horizons in your life. It will involve a step-by-step process of unfolding your issues and then reframing and building a perspective to pave an exciting new way of life for you.

Hi, I’m Parveen.
I specialize in encouraging empowerment and personal growth through an eclectic and integrative approach to therapy.
Emotion regulation and mindfulness advances are used to build perspective. I examine your practices with a mind-body emphasis of healing and hope. Clients move into greater vitality and more satisfying relations with themselves and others.